Wells, A., Carter, K., Hann, M., Shields, G., Wallis, P., Cooper, B., & Capobianco, L. (2022). Youth Metacognitive Therapy (YoMeta): protocol for a single-blind randomised feasibility trial of a transdiagnostic intervention versus treatment as usual in 11–16-year-olds with common mental health problems. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8(1), 207.
Background: Mental health disorders in children and young people (CYP) are increasing but the provision of current evidence-based treatment for common mental health problems is limited. Treatment efects vary widely with no clear superiority of a single treatment approach. Further evaluation of contemporary and efective treatments in CYP is needed. Metacognitive therapy (MCT) has shown enhanced efcacy over ‘gold standard’ approaches in adult mental health, but so far has not been evaluated in a randomised trial of CYP. As such, we aim to assess the acceptability and feasibility of group-MCT for CYP with common mental health problems in comparison to usual treatment within Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).